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Talk:Anorexia nervosa

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Wiki Education assignment: Intro to Psychology


This article was the subject of a Wiki Education Foundation-supported course assignment, between 23 October 2024 and 12 December 2024. Further details are available on the course page. Student editor(s): Dr3709 (article contribs).

— Assignment last updated by Dr3709 (talk) 05:07, 26 November 2024 (UTC)[reply]

UCSF Work Plan


Work Plan Timeline

Due Date, Assignment

12/12 3PM decide the topic of the Wiki Editing : Anorexia Nervosa

12/12 3PM Read the article and identify info know to be missing

12/12 3PM Start looking into resources

12/16 Add the info missing from the entire article with appropriate citations

12/17 finish up adding info with missing info and appropriate citations

12/17 Insert the article into hemingwayapp.com to identify where grammatical/spelling errors lay, where confusion may lie in article. Appropriately fix

12/19 Review peer edits and revise appropriately Jfriskey (talk) 16:50, 11 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Jfriskey,
I'll be conducting a brief peer review of your contributions so far. First of all great work on the article so far!! I'm impressed by all the sections you've contributed to and think you've done a wonderful job overall.
I think all the info you added into this section was very relevant and you did a good job of expanding an already large section. The only thing I would recommend changing is that some terms like "body dysmorphia" and "purging" don't have links to the associated wiki articles.
Again, awesome job basically adding the entire perceptual symptoms paragraph. I think the examples you provided are great. The only thing I would recommend changing is adding some citations to the altered body schemas section and some of the behavioral symptoms.
Comorbidity and Psychological
Very important additions with respect to the origins of anorexia here and links to PTSD. Only thing I would recommend changing is updating source 111. It appears to link to an unrelated article.
Good job including discussion of BMI here and referencing the DSM5. Only thing I would recommend changing is maybe modifying or expanding the "failing to account for body compositions" to help briefly explain why this is the case for those who might be new to BMI.
I think you captured a lot of relevant info in the physical exam section and the gender differences with respect to male anorexia was important and interesting to read. I would recommend adding some more citations to the physical exam section. For the gender differences, I would suggest maybe rewording some of the comparisons to female anorexia. I feel like removing those phrases and just saying something like "males are more prone to..." flows better. WRabbit52 (talk) 08:16, 18 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Difficulties in Receiving Treatment


Hi there,

I wanted to talk about the problems of accessing ED treatment in the usa. I'd speak to problems with affording healthcare and resources like Project Heal. Where do you guys think I should add that section? Thanks. Jfriskey (talk) 01:15, 13 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

This could be a new subsection under the Treatment section, perhaps called Barriers to accessing treatment or something of the sort. You may want to consider creating a draft in your sandbox first. Nsophiay (talk) 03:04, 13 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Spelling error in image of article


I am relatively new to editing on Wikipedia so apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, but I noticed a spelling error in image 3/5 "Genetic correlations of anorexia with psychiatric and metabolic traits" where under "Psychiatric Traits" what I believe was meant to be the word schizophrenia is instead spelt "squizophrenia".

I have basically no experience with image editing so I thought i should raise this issue here. DarraghMoose (talk) 00:41, 11 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for pointing this out, the image is unfortunately a jpg so it can't be edited directly. Nsophiay (talk) 04:07, 11 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Ah okok, thanks. Is there anything else I should do in the meantime or is this insignificant enough to leave for now? DarraghMoose (talk) 20:36, 14 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
I added it to my to-do list but in the meantime you can just leave it. Nsophiay (talk) 22:07, 14 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Nsophiay If you fix this picture, please notice that obsessive also has a spelling error ("obsesive"). Lova Falk (talk) 08:03, 15 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

Alternate wording - Perceptual symptoms


@Lova Falk @Æ's old account wasn't working

Regarding the recent edits to the sentence:

Unawareness or denial of symptoms (anosognosia)

Would you guys agree to the following rewording?

Unawareness or denial of severity of condition (anosognosia)

Basically what I want to get across is that anorexics are not necessarily unaware that they're unwell, they just think their condition/behaviours/symptoms are "not that bad." So it's not so much a denial of symptoms, as an inability to accurately perceive the severity of their case. Open to other suggestions. Nsophiay (talk) 01:09, 19 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]

What do the reliable sources say? Zenomonoz (talk) 03:49, 19 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, go ahead. I'm fine with that rewording. Æ's old account wasn't working (talk) 06:42, 19 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]
Very good! Thank you for discussing this. Lova Falk (talk) 06:52, 19 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]